Feb 1, 2023Liked by Jane Psmith

Salad of Theseus is great

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The two books that together made this shift for me were Salt Fat Acid Heat and The Everlasting Meal. The former helped me understand what cooking to taste *was* and how I could improve food beyond “add more salt.” The latter is all about making smart use of the panty.

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OMG Mrs. Psmith, I'm just crushing on you, and I wanted to say that to forgive myself in some way if I say something too bubbly, it's OK and will be mostly over in a few weeks. "Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat", is a fav of mine, I've gifted three copies to friends/ family. (I've made conveyer belt chicken repeatedly, sometimes it's to die for, and other's good, but... it's mostly about getting the skin right. (Summer is coming and boneless chicken thighs on the grill are always good. (Living near Buffalo NY, chicken is marinated in Chiavetta’s BBQ Marinade, yum. ) Finally I just wanted share in the sentiment of getting everyone to like what you're cooking. And taco/burritos are my best solution for this, I build flour tortillas to order on my skillet. I find cooking for people one of the great joys in life, Julia Childs was my first cooking hero.

Anyway please forgive the random food thoughts, and thankyou for the review, I look forward to reading the book.

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