Another poem comes to mind:

Tell all the truth but tell it slant —

Success in Circuit lies

Too bright for our infirm Delight

The Truth's superb surprise

As Lightning to the Children eased

With explanation kind

The Truth must dazzle gradually

Or every man be blind —

(Emily Dickinson)

Succinct explanations give immediately useful answers, while multi-layered, tangential explanations give room for the mind to wander and experiment with new connections. Transfixation on the vastness of the sea feels like a infinity of the latter.

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It's a wonder mathematics and science education doesn't include more stories about the men who figured things out. I'd started and put down Labatut's book months ago. Thank you for a reminder to pick it back up.

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Jane and John, you continually amaze! One of these days you will write a review that doesn’t match my interests or convey impressive insight and understanding in beautiful and witty prose. Until then…

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I love this sort of thing. I've always intended to write some sort of fiction based upon this, plus probably something to do with computers and networks → magic (invisible energy that surrounds us and does things, that only the initiated or those favored with their enchantments may intercept? words that change reality? summoning of daemons?! it's right there!)...

...but since I'm afflicted with some sort of paralysis that ensures I lack the energy — or the "gumption", as my mother calls it — to really... like... *DO* anything, it's fairly certain that this too shall come to nothing (...much like my life itself, heh).¹

More cheerfully!:

★ If you've more recommendations for books like this, or Egan's (I loved "Diaspora" for exactly this theme, albeit rendered a bit more optimistically... sort of), I'd love to hear them.

I can only think of two, myself; and I just now realized I have forgotten the one that wasn't Diaspora. Dammit. "Echopraxia" by Watts, maybe, kinda?


¹(boy, everyone who thought I was gonna do something special sure was wrong; I've entirely ceased answering emails and calls from my former professors: the shame's too great, haha—)

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Thank you for writing about Grothendieck. As a physicist who probably isn't as well read as you, the figures I was exposed to in grad school like Dirac or Heisenberg are very different, and I'd long thought that everyone just presumed von Neumann was the smartest guy around. Even though you obviously don't give a very technical treatment here - I get that you're writing for a broad readership - it's opened up a vista for me to be able to look at minds that are more purely mathematical.

I'm extremely disappointed and frustrated with philosophy ( https://thingstoread.substack.com/p/philosophy-is-a-residuum-of-failure ) but I there are hints that it might be possible to actually get somewhere in the discipline with a process like Grothendieck's, who "summoned the ocean, piled up abstractions upon abstractions, the black freezing waters pouring out of his emaciated body, the sea level rising and rising, until the problem, now barely visible at the bottom of an immense underwater canyon, would finally soften up and burst under its terrible pressure..."

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this is really lovely. i've wanted to explain something about the foundational crisis and all that other stuff to non-specialists for ages but never found the right poetic language and this is right on the money

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So, does contemplating this stuff turn you into a raving looney, or are raving looneys the only people who are willing to contemplate this stuff? Or a bit of both?

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Well that was a grand read to start the week.

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