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Jun 10Liked by Jane Psmith

Congratulations to both of you!

If the guest reviewer, the host reviewers, or any readers appreciate the odd style of The Wake, I'd also recommend checking out Riddley Walker for a similar work, also set in an apocalyptic England.

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Jun 15Liked by Thomas Casey

I really liked this review, and should I ever get round to reading The Wake, the context given here will be of great help in orientating myself to Kingsnorth's imagined world.

The review also made me think a little deeper than I previously had about what civilisational replacement means to an individual unconvinced by usurpers' assurances that the new world they are foisting upon him is indeed better than the old one he felt so at home in. One need be neither a racist nor a Luddite, merely normal, to prefer the world one grew up in to a shiny new, alien world.

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Ditto 😊

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